Is your bird scared of the dark?

Hi parrot lovers, welcome to another blog.I want you to think about your bird in the dark — is he scared of the dark? Duncan and I have noticed since boarding birds that some not any one species in particular, except cockatiels who do have night frights and need a night life, are definitely scared…

Whats on my mind…

Hi parrot lovers and a very big welcome to all the new parrot owners that have signed up in the past few weeks. It is lovely to have you and I hope that I can help you, even if it is only a little.

Your parrots suitcase

Everyone with a parrot, should have a carry – bag full of important things, in case you need to get to the vet quickly or a family emergency calls for your attention and you need to move fast with your bird. Also if you have to leave quickly a friend or neighbour will find everything…

Molting not plucking!

I am writing about molting today, because my husbands african grey and my goffin cockatoo are both molting at the moment and if you have not seen a fairly big molt you may get worried thinking that your bird is plucking his feathers.

Have you hugged your bird today?

Now that the festivities are over and everyone is getting into their new routine, remember your bird needs routine as well, this is very important  for a bird.