1. Check for stress in your birds environment. Pets, small children, Bigger birds in close by cages, cage not situated correctly.
2. Help your bird to be curious, confident and adventurous.. change cage height periodically, change the perches regularly, change the toys in his cage often
3. Try and give your bird more one on one interaction, remember the side-by-side activities, take your bird with you when you travel around the house.
4. Increase his bath or shower time, remember completely drenched is best for your bird.
5. Increase flapping excercises every day.
6. Make sure the diet is nutritious, healthy and fresh. Remember cereals, nuts, vegetables, fruit sprouts and seeds.
7. Ensure 12 hours sleep at night and a quiet time during the afternoon for a nap.
8. Try changing the source of the water you are giving,
Eliminate salt and cut down fats.
9. Take your bird to the vet if blood feathers are being chewed they need to be removed and an anti biotic given.
10.Dont react by screaming and shouting, this will likely make things worse.
11.Keep a check on things in your home to see if there are changes… builders in, furniture moving, new carpeting, noisy wall clocks.
12.NEVER withold love and attention because your bird is ugly and prickly to hold.Something has started him chewing and you must do your utmost to find out what and fix it.
13.Vets are clever people and all should check for under lying infection to see if that is the cause.
I hope this has been interesting for you, I hope you dont have a chewer living with you, but if you do, slowly go through the 13 points and do your best to get your bird properly feathered again…. Just a note here…. It takes 4 months to fully feather a bird if he is chewing, breaking or plucking..
Have a great day !!