

Your bird needs lots of different vitamins to keep him healthy. Here are a few and where you can find them..

Take the time to watch…

If you are the owner of a parrot you will know how important it is to watch your parrot. Not 24/7 but be aware of his body language, his antics, games and general condition. Parrots can tell us alot about how they are feeling by the way they act.

New years resolutions…

I am going to spend more quality time with my bird this year. I am going to feed less seed and more fruit and veg this year. I am going to use less bad language round my bird this year. I am going to pottty train my bird this year. I am going to teach…

This festive season….

Just a thought this festive season, if you are going away, please think about who is going to look after your bird or birds. They should be left with someone who is going to see your birds every day so that if there is a problem the bird can be taken to the vet as…

Welcoming friends and family….

When I did my course to become a parrot behavior consultant, I had to trace the journey of bird keeping up until the present time. It was fascinating to learn that landed gentry kept large parrots in cages at the door way to their homes to alert the occupants of the house that there were…

Christmas for the birds !!

Sam, Sprog, Duncan and I are getting ready for Christmas– our Christmas starts early this year because our daughter is coming home to stay! Our feathered friends should be allowed to share in our festive cheer, they are special members of our flock.

My singing feathered friends….

I sat down at my desk today and decided that it was time to put my sprig of Holly in my pen holder and get out the christmas cd’s. I am particularly happy this Christmas because Fiona our daughter is coming home from England for good — to set up a business here. She is…

More Dangers Facing Your Bird In Your Home…

In this post I want to run through the dangers posed to your bird from pesticides and rust… The signs and symptoms of the effects of exposure to pesticides and herbicides are seen over time and are as follows: Birds exposed to pesticides have abnormal feather growth and abnormal beak and abdomen swellings. It is…