Parrot juice.. A juicer is a lovely thing to have if you have parrots living in your home… You can juice all their fruit and veg and spoil them with healthy juice as a treat.. you can juice anything..
Nervous Bird Disease
by Bee •
Nervous bird disease is any disease that affects the birds nervous system. This can be very scary for parrot owners and is generally easily treatable..
Gout – Parrots can suffer from gout just like us…
by Bee •
Gout affecting the joints.. If you look carefully at the joints especially around the foot and the ankle you will see small white swellings. The causes are not fully understood, but appear to be linked to a diet too rich in protein, and kidneys that cannot process waste properly..This may be due to 1. infection…
8 interesting bird facts that you should know…
by Bee •
1. One of the things you should know is that feather plucking only occurs in captive birds, birds in the wild do not pluck..
Some Of My Recent Guests…
by Bee •

This gallery contains 43 photos →
The Home of the Happy Parrot – PHOTOS
by Bee •
At the home of the happy parrot, the boarding conditions are very personalized. I like the birds and the owners to feel that it is a home away from home.
Contaminated Feathers and Bathing
by Bee •
Sometimes pet birds can get contaminated feathers.They could sit quietly destroying your make up draw while you are blow drying your hair, they may knock over old bottles or perfume bottles and you don’t notice till the damage is done. The bathroom is another good place where birds do their own things while their owners…
Does Your Bird Hate Bathing?
by Bee •
In the world the parrots enjoy a good thunder storm! But in captivity they may never experience a shower or a good bath. They may have been squirted with water for bad behaviour..
The best best cage in the right place !!
by Bee •
1. The perfect cage is rectangular 2. Is easy to clean 3. Is large enough that the parrot can flap his wings 4. Has horizontal bars so that the bird can climb 5. Has perches cut from fruit trees 6. Has more than 1 set of food dishes 7. Has a tray under the cage…
by Bee •
Dander .. Powder formed when sheaths are removed from new feathers, It is released when birds preen. Hookbill.. A parrot. Keel bone.. The flat bone running from under the crop attached to the sternum. Mandible. The lower beak.. Maxilla.. The upper beak. Preen.. Grooming the feathers with the beak. Roost.. The place birds go to…