Sam, Sprog, Duncan and I are getting ready for Christmas– our Christmas starts early this year because our daughter is coming home to stay! Our feathered friends should be allowed to share in our festive cheer, they are special members of our flock.
You can make their Christmas extra special, by making them a stocking, of their own. Make it out of Christmas wrapping paper, stitched together with a needle and thread. No stapples please, this could hurt and even damage feet and beaks.. No pins, they can do just as much damage. I do not really have to tell you you to be sensible do I !!
Play your Christmas music close to them, so that they can vocalize along with the music. Sam and Sprog love to voocalize to music, and my Christmas music is no different.
Put brightly coloured decorations up by their cages so they can enjoy watching them and enjoy the shapes and colours.. Not too close incase they get caught up in trailing paper tinsel.
Make a special place at your Christmas table for them. If you are feeding your bird right, they will enjoy eating along with you. Vegetables and little bits of meat, fruit and nuts ! Remember…. No chocolate, no alcohol, no tea and coffee and no avocado pear starter.
The aim here is just to have fun with your bird at Christmas time. Put toys and nuts and fruit in their stockings, anything you know they will like.
Oh yes — have fun with your bird this festive season !